We need your help to continue building P7056The Whirlwind Fighter Project is an entirely voluntary organisation and intends to remain so. It is registered as a charity but does not have paid staff or significant business overheads. While membership fees support not only the build itself but also such costs as postage, hosting this website and transportation, we commit to spending every penny of
donations on materials to create P7056.
The button on the right is to a PayPal account linked directly to the WFP's materials 'funding pot' The PayPal account, owing to PayPal rules, has to be in an individual's name and so it is named 'Matt Bearman' as Matt is both the Treasurer and a Trustee of the project. However, the money passes directly into the project's own bank account. if you do not have PayPal you have the option to use a card.
Alternatively, please contact us via
donations@whirlwindfp.orgTHANK YOU